The finally after an afternoon of riotous adventure and fun, the grand event had arrived. I was more than ecstatic. After everyone had seated, the tropical music played through the air, and we were truly in paradise, I felt I had to stand to say something important.
For the full effect to be understood, we would like you to participate in this responsive reading:
Phil Yells | You Yell in Response |
GIVE ME A "P"! | "P" |
GIVE ME A "I"! | "I" |
GIVE ME A "G"! | "G" |
GIVE ME A "R"! | "R" |
GIVE ME A "O"! | "O" |
GIVE ME A "A"! | "A" |
GIVE ME A "S"! | "S" |
GIVE ME A "T"! | "T" |
Thank you for participating. After all that came the most glory of glory food, the most lusty of lusty foods, and the meal that made all other meals taste like sand (dirty sand). We lined up and then grabbed fistfuls of food as fast as we could.
The meat was so meaty, fatty goodness I knew I had lived a life worth living at that moment. I was finally ready to die in peace. I knew what the feasts of the Israelite kings were like when they celebrated. The flowing of lemonade, the sauce on the barbequed flesh, the tropical fruits and flowers. I weigh more now than I ever have before. And I'm happier now that I ever have been.