a jar of imitation picklesimitation pickles
Self-Esteem Boost-o-Matic: You're so wonderful, you are fun!
Houghton College

The life, the memories, the trials


Games & demos for all
February 19, 2002

Uhmn. Ha ha ha. Well, it's been a while, hasn't it. Not quite a year though. And nothing "new" to show for it either. Except that I just moved the site to a different location. You'll now find that www.imitationpickles.org sends you to www.philhassey.com/pickles. I did this to save money, and reduce the amount of complication in my life.

But get ready. Some day I'll update this site again. Maybe soon. Though I wouldn't be betting a whole heck of a lot of cash on that if I were you.

March 23, 2001
Here we go..
March 16, 2001
And yet another update!
  • Story Hour has another three stories! A Dr. Zoller Christmas, Christmas Tree Time, and Phil and Dan Turn Bad. Only 9 months and 9 days until Christmas!
March 7, 2001
More Excitement and Adventure!
March 2, 2001
More Updates!
  • Story Hour two new stories: Phil and Dan's Halloween (with Real Audio) and Playing the Viola.
See past updates...
Stories & Tales

Epic adventures beyond your wildest dreams

Phil and Nan!

The shrine to their greatness
Galcon   Watermelons   Dynamite   The Hairy Chestival
All content of imitation pickles (c) 1999-2008 - Phil Hassey  "we care"